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Model Request

Once the model is deployed into an API we need to learn to "ask" the model for predictions. This is called a model request.

What is a request?

A request is a message sent from a client to a server asking for a specific action to be performed. In the context of machine learning, a request is a message sent to a model asking for a prediction to be made. Following the analogy of a restaurant, a request is like a customer placing an order.

Comparing a Model Request with a Customer Order

👇 Click to compare



Parts of a Request

A request is composed of three main parts:

  1. The Request URL: This is the address where the model is deployed. It is like the address of the restaurant where you want to place your order.
  2. The Request Body: This is the data you send to the model to make a prediction. It is like the order you place at the restaurant.
  3. The Request Method: This is the type of request you are making. It can be GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. In the context of machine learning, you will mostly use POST and GET requests. For now think of it as the way you place your order at the restaurant.