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🧑‍🎓 Education

Here you can find my main academic achievements. I have more 🙂 if you want to know about my full educational experience ask me! :

🎓 Master - Artificial Intelligence and Sofware Engineering

🎓 Master - VR, AR and Videogame Development

🎓 BSc - Optics Degree

🎓 Master - Artificial Intelligence and Sofware Engineering

  • Where: University of Malaga
  • When: Sept/2019 - June/2020
  • What I did: The Master's in Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence from the University of Málaga corresponds to the training period of the PhD Programme in Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence offered by this same University. Master focused on the different areas of Artificial Intelligence and Software development: (Reinforcement Learing, Generative Models, Big Data, Evolutive algorithms...). Mention in Research.

  • Master Thesis (Graduated with honors. 🌟): 3D MRI Super-Resolution using Generative Adversarial Networks Paper: development of a super-resolution model for 3D magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, through the use of generative adversarial networks, GANs, that increases x4 the quality of the original dataset. Repository.

  • Multi-Agents Optimization: Last mile delivery optimization using multi agents theory. Repository.
  • Evolutive Algortihms: use of optimization algorithms to reconstruct unordered image rows. Repository.
  • Big Data: use Spark to analyze the evolution of taxi prices in New York City during New years eve, Repository.
  • Generative Models: Variational Auto Encoders for the generation of new instances on the MNIST dataset.

🎓 Master - VR, AR and Videogame Development

  • Where: VR EVO School
  • When: Sept/2017 - June/2018
  • Description: Multiple areas related to Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, video-game development (game theory, procedural generation...), archviz were covered in this master. Using. Unreal Engine 4, Blender, Maya and 3D MAX. Projects that I developed:

  • Artsenal experience (Video): development of a Virtual Reality experience using movement tracking and reconstruction techniques during the XII (2018) edition of La Noche en Blanco at the Artsenal Museum in Muelle Uno, Málaga.

  • Procedural Museum (Video): auto generated Virtual Reality museum exhibiting a few of the most famous art pieces in the history. Also a mobile version called The gallery (Video).
  • The Universe (Video) a mobile app that allows to explore the Solar System.

🎓 BSc - Optics Degree

  • Where: University of Valladolid & Bicoccas's University
  • When: Sept/2011 - June/2015
  • Description: Degree focused in physics, mathematics, neurology and biology related to the fields of vision and optics. International Erasmus student at Bicocca University during the year 2013/2014.

  • Bachelor Degree Thesis: Changes in the Visual Function after the Critical Period. Study on how do the human vision develops during the first years at a cortex level.

  • 2nd Place at Cooper FORCE Competition 2015: research on the development of new techniques to adapt multifocal contact lenses.